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Pop Tab Program

The Pop Tab Program began when a community in Minneapolis collected one million pop tabs to recycle as a fundraiser and the trend has since spread to hundreds of Ronald McDonald Houses across the country.

A pop tab is the small metal tab on the top of aluminum beverage cans. RMHCNC collects these pop tabs to recycle and put the proceeds towards the Adopt-A-Family Program. This program helps subsidize the cost of families staying at the Sacramento Ronald McDonald House.

The House receives thousands of pop tabs each year collected by families, church groups, service clubs, auxiliaries, and student organizations. Saving pop tabs from aluminum cans is an easy and environmentally friendly way of supporting the Charity. A simple plastic bag on the side of your refrigerator is an easy way to get started. As your bag fills, you can drop them off or mail them to RMHCNC. For larger groups, use containers with wide mouths such as oatmeal boxes, paper milk cartons, and coffee cans. You can even print out our label and attach it to the side of your container with clear tape.

While we do not have the storage space to collect and recycle the entire aluminum can, we do also encourage supporters to cash in their own cans and send a check with the donation to the address listed below.

For more information email info@rmhcnc.org or call 916.734.4230.

Pop Tabs do not need to be counted and can be mailed or dropped off at the Sacramento Ronald McDonald House located at 2555 49th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817.

It’s easy to start collecting Pop Tabs to donate! Here’s how:

  1. Print Pop tab label
  2. Attach label to a container of your choice
  3. Place the container at home, work, school or any location people drink canned sodas
  4. Pull the Pop Tab off your can before recycling
  5. Spread the word! #forRMHC